Saturday, December 13, 2014

Breaking Bad, Blow Lines, and Being Funny

Tonight, the boys sit down to discuss their writing process, what it means to be funny, and why it's hard to listen to yourself recorded. You know, after we take a detour through The Matrix "Trilogy." Yes, we said "Trilogy."

Episode 9: Breaking Bad, Blow Lines, and Being Funny

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Insert Joke About Alanis Morissette Here

Ed asks a simple question and gets a simple answer. Will we ever get past all this cynical, ironic, post-post-modernism in comedy and pop culture?

Episode 8: Insert Joke About Alanis Morissette Here

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There's been this obvious trend over the last few (dozen?) years. Everything is ironic, nothing is sincere. Everything is cynical, nothing is earnest. Why is that? Does it mean something? Are we poised for a swing back into a more innocent, laugh-track based culture? Probably not, but it's fun to talk about anyway, right?

Anyway, no homework!

That song is called Come Down, by the Pillows. It's off of the first soundtrack to FLCL. Sorry, we didn't see a download link.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Laughter, Late-Night, and Learning Your Voice

The boys sits down to discuss late night television, finding one's performance persona, and various other comedy related stuff. Also, something about Tom Jones & the film Unbreakable for some reason.

Episode 7: Laughter, Late-Night, and Learning Your Voice

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So, yeah, we kind of cheated with this title. Sorry.

The three of us are performers. Chris and Charlie do comedy, improv and stand-up; Ed is in a band and hosts an open mic. So, we spend a lot of time thinking about and analyzing performers. We spend most of this episode talking about how people put together their acts and find their niche, then what the end game is for someone with a career in comedy.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The N-Word (After-Dark)

This is the second half of the conversation we started about sexism. We ended up talking about a certain word that tends to upset everyone.

Episode 6a: The N-Word

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After our discussion on Sexism, in which we solved that problem forever, Ed became increasingly obnoxious after accidentally derailing the conversation to the word "Nigga." He and Chris debate whether the word itself is redeemable, while Charlie tries valiantly to not simply sit awkwardly in the corner. Some of us use that word a lot in this course of this recording, so avoid this episode if that will offend you. We'll go ahead and say that this is not the episode to blast through your boombox. 

Oh, and welcome to the second After Dark episode, available exclusively on this website. As before, our music is Jon Brion's track, Monday, best known from the I Heart Huckabees score. 

Thanks for listening.

Girls, Guys, and Gender Inequality

Today, we sit down to discuss the some of the ways gender inequality affects life in the States and abroad.

Episode 6: Girls, Guys, and Gender Inequality

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Chris brought to our attention the book The Underground Girls of Kabul, which details the Afgan practice of raising daughters as sons until they reach puberty. At that point they must begin to act, think, and function in society as women. It amounts to an externally enforced transgenderism that, we presume, must play havoc on the psychological and emotional states of these women. 

This is not a matter to take lightly, so we move on to discuss gender inequality in a few other arenas. Predictably, we veer off topic a bit.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Guests, Greatness, and Guilty Pleasures: After Dark

We continue our conversation wherein we defend our tastes after experiencing audio problems. Also, lots of superheroes. 

Episode 5: Guests, Greatness, and Guilty Pleasures: After Dark

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As we said before, this is a continuation of our conversation in Episode 5. We had an issue during the playback of the podcast that rendered the audio at too low of a volume. We also took a LONG digression where we just talk about comics. So, if you've enjoyed any of our other discussions (or share Chris's intense love of DC live-action shows), you'll enjoy this one.

Guests, Greatness, and Guilty Pleasures

Today we sit down to discuss the exceptions that prove the rule of our amazing tastes. Ed loves both the Speed Racer and Josie & The Pussycats movies, and he wanted to find out what movies (et. al) the other guys like, despite the public opinion that they're shitty.

Episode 5: Guests, Greatness, and Guilty Pleasures

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After two straight weeks of religious talk (with a third episode still to come), we decided to dial it back a bit and go with a less intense subject. After the small talk and pleasantries, we sit down to discuss something of the utmost importance: are movies bad just because someone else decided they were? Is Ed really that bizarre because he loves Speed Racer? Has Chris lost his mind because he doesn't see why Bram Stoker's Dracula currently has a 79% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes? Can James be forgiven for enjoying the Ang Lee's Hulk? 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Morals, Mores, and Morale

Episode #4.1: Morals, Mores, and Morale

Chris and Ed continue to discuss relion, it's implications, and our feelings towards such institutions.

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This is the second part of our four-hour discussion on religion. This one has a greater focus on the interaction between members of the same faction, as we tackle the way religious leaders communicate their faiths. There's also talk of morality, its origins, and why religion can be good (if not necessary) for some people. As always, we're not experts, but we try to speak clearly and honestly about the way we see the world and how people manifest their ideas and ideals. So, while Ed speaks as though his statements are fact, take them with a grain of salt. If there are any concerns or comments, please feel free to leave them below or email us.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hell, Heaven, and Heathens

Episode #4: Hell, Heaven, and Heathens

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I bet you took a look at that file size or the track time and thought, "Wow, this one's kinda short."


This is Part One of the 4.5 hour long discussion we had on religion and various related topics. Ironically (or not), it became more of a discussion of some of the problems non-religious people have with the concept. We start off by discussing what our personal beliefs are and just go on from there. We try to explain our hangups in a clear, respectful way, lacking condescension. If we fail, let us know in the comments or email us. Likewise, if we're wrong. It's all about having the conversation.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reality, Redtape, and Robin (Again)

Episode #3: Reality, Red tape, and Robin (Again)

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This is the second part of the three hour discussion that we started off last episode with and it's pretty much all comics and comic related stuff in this one. We talk about path of superhero movies as they relate to the source material, why Wonder Woman might be a leading weapon when it comes to equality in film, why people should stop holding comic adaptations to their own imaginary standards, and why DC and Marvel can't stop with the crises.

Admittedly, there's a lot we mentioned but didn't get through, like the way women are being treated in the industry, the fact that not all comic books are superhero books, and adaptations of comic books outside of just film and television. Fortunately, It looks like we're gonna be here for a long time, so we'll have time to tackle some of that other stuff.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Robin, Religion, and Riots

Episode #2: Robin, Religion, and Riots

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This week, we try to talk about the death of Robin Williams, but get sidetracked by conversations on comedy, film, religion, and the poor plight of Mike Brown. This conversation actually lasted over three hours and, as a result, will be uploaded in parts. (Don't worry, the next part isn't quite as heavy as this one.) It also serves as a segue way/introduction to the topics we will be discussing over the next few weeks. Hope you enjoy. Also, there are no Liner Links this week, so no homework!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Batman, Birthdays, and Babes

Episode #1: Batman, Birthdays, and Babes

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In this Podcast, we talk about how to approach explanations of your sexuality; the birth, creation, and understanding of the city of Detroit (vs. Everybody); and that one creepy dude who is exactly the hero this Podcast deserves, but not the one it needs. Also, a bunch of other stuff. Probably. Welcome to the pilot episode!

Liner Links (Not in order):

The Batman Meme.
Lucy Trailer.
Lucy Trailer Parody.
Dark Girls.