What do you mean "About Us"?

Somethin' To Do is a podcast wherein three guys are locked in the basement of an abandoned police station and forced to discuss the news, movies, politics, comic books, music, technology, culture at large, and, basically, all the stuff people our age think about. We're not kidding about that "locked in the basement" part. Help. Please. Our only internet access is to Blogger and we have no way of even knowing that this podcast is making it to iTunes. Get us out of here! Please! Is anyone out there? Is there an "out there" anymore? Are you coming? With help? No? 

Um ... Well, I suppose we'll just keep talking. At least it gives us something to do. (Title Drop!)

Our Prisoners:

Chris Bibb purports to have knowledge and memories of events that occurred before the trio was trapped in the basement, but has yet to explain how and why he's retained his memories while the other two have not. He claims to have performed improv and stand-up comedy. He also claims to have been a fan of something called an "X-Men," though he has never explained what this term means. He currently spends most of his time throwing accusatory glances between the other two contributors, while failing to draw a photo-realistic image of the sun with naught but a pencil. During recording, he sits dangerously close to the microphones.

Ed Carter secretly believes the other two contributors are figments of his imagination, but refuses to bring up the subject for fear of being rejected by his own psyche. He often retreats into his own mind, imagining that he's hosting biweekly open micswriting a novelplaying in a band, or producing this very podcast. In actuality, he's sitting in the corner, incessantly chanting "Where'd the microphones come from? What's with all these cords?" until the machinery activates and recording begins.

Charlie Schultz is not a captive. Not much is known about him--not even to this disembodied third-person narrator--aside from his midnight dark hair and unnaturally white teeth. He may not have a face--aside from his midnight dark hair and unnaturally white teeth. He may not have a body--aside from his midnight dark hair and unnaturally white teeth. He may be a disembodied third-person narrator--aside from his midnight dark hair and unnaturally white teeth. He is fully aware of a route to escape the basement, but does not inform the other contributors because he fails to see the relevance. Have you ever seen the "out there"? Maybe it's better to stay inside, where it's safeThings happen in the "out there."

Ha ha. Just kidding. There is no "out there." We never said there was an "out there."

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