Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Insert Joke About Alanis Morissette Here

Ed asks a simple question and gets a simple answer. Will we ever get past all this cynical, ironic, post-post-modernism in comedy and pop culture?

Episode 8: Insert Joke About Alanis Morissette Here

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There's been this obvious trend over the last few (dozen?) years. Everything is ironic, nothing is sincere. Everything is cynical, nothing is earnest. Why is that? Does it mean something? Are we poised for a swing back into a more innocent, laugh-track based culture? Probably not, but it's fun to talk about anyway, right?

Anyway, no homework!

That song is called Come Down, by the Pillows. It's off of the first soundtrack to FLCL. Sorry, we didn't see a download link.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Laughter, Late-Night, and Learning Your Voice

The boys sits down to discuss late night television, finding one's performance persona, and various other comedy related stuff. Also, something about Tom Jones & the film Unbreakable for some reason.

Episode 7: Laughter, Late-Night, and Learning Your Voice

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So, yeah, we kind of cheated with this title. Sorry.

The three of us are performers. Chris and Charlie do comedy, improv and stand-up; Ed is in a band and hosts an open mic. So, we spend a lot of time thinking about and analyzing performers. We spend most of this episode talking about how people put together their acts and find their niche, then what the end game is for someone with a career in comedy.